Sunday, May 03, 2009

"Open" Figure/Portrait Painting Group

Here is my effort from Saturday's painting session.  I wiped out my first attempt at the whole figure and concentrated on her head instead.  

"Open" Figure/Portrait Painting Group

The new studio is taking on a life of its own.  I began hosting an "Open" figure/portrait painting group that meets each Saturday from 1pm-4pm.  The group fluctuates, depending on people's schedules, between 5-10 artists.  The model takes a repeated pose for 3 hours, and the artists work in whatever medium they wish.  Some draw in charcoal, pastel or pen.  Some paint in acrylics or oils.  It is a wonderful way to share the cost of hiring a model, and it is a great way for artists to connect, encourage one another and share ideas.