Monday, January 25, 2010

Trying new things - Painting at other studios

From October - December 2009, I painted twice a month with a group of artists called the High Street Painters. They are located in Brattleboro, VT, which is a 3 hour drive from my house. They meet at the studio of Andrea Scheidler, who is one of the Putney Painters. The studio is located in a storefront along High Street.

The studio is very different from mine. Where my light source is natural light coming from north-facing skylights, the light here is completely artificial. The model had a strong spotlight with a diffuser-type shade that gave a nice light. Andrea hired lovely models and had very interesting props, so her set-ups were much more elaborate than mine.

It is interesting to paint with other professional painters who have a completely different approach. It keeps you learning and prompts you to attempt new things. Prior to painting with them, I had never really used viridian in figure/portraits.

These photos are from a few different sessions.


Mary Bullock said...

Thank you for the great idea about giving a demo to increase interest in live model sketching! I'll try it.

Karen Winslow said...

You are welcome, Mary. I hope that it works!